Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Peace, Promises, & Holding Still

"Be still, and know that I am God..."
Psalms 46:10 (KJV)

Tuesdays with Tabitha

God promises us lots of things, like eternal life, gold streets, mansions, and a brand new, perfect body.

But He never promised us a smooth ride here.

In fact, He warns us that this life is anything but easy (John 16:33) and is instead laced thick with endless trials and tribulations, valleys, and persecution. Oh, and the more you strive to serve Him? The worse the attacks will be.

Life is hard.

Our fears, our struggles, our sins, our temptations, our weeknesses and our clutter; they're all different. We don't all fight the same battles, and our problems don't fit snugly into the same shaped mold.

But there's hope.

Our defense-our secret weapon- is to stay in constant communication with Jesus; to pray without ceasing. This allows us the sweet relief of living far above our circumstances even while dwelling in the midst of the fast-paced mess that is this life.

We yern for life to be simple, carefree, and easy. We long for things to go our way, seeking God's will but secretly hoping it will align with our own. Wishing that the storms would clear for even just one minute because if they would, we finally be able to set still and commune with God in peace.

But God's ways are not our own, and He'd much rather we hold tight to His hand through the storms and glory in tribulations, knowing that the trials we face in this life are molding us into who God needs us to be. Because if life were perfect, if we never faced trials in this life, we wouldn't turn to Him.

We'd never hold still, and just know that He is.

Instead of wishing that life were simple, decluttered and free of pain, God longs for us to relinquish the fantasy of a perfect world and instead hold still and listen for His still, small voice over the mess of lifes raging storms.

And when we do, He promises to give us His limetless Grace, and a peace that passes all understanding.

What hardships do you face in this life that keep you from hearing God's still, small voice?
Can you think of a time in your life when you felt the presence of God right there with you as you weathered a storm?
In the midst of our fast paced, cluttered world, what would it take for you to "be still" and know that He is God?


  1. i love this! it reminds of me of what our pastor said a couple of weeks ago that really rang true with me.... "so often we pray for a BETTER life, but what we really want is an EASIER life..."
    God's ways are not easy, but they are ALWAYS better than ours! :)

    1. So true!! I'm going to have to write that one down!
